AA Home Improvement

Serving East TN through our integrity and quality work

The best way
to get it done is
to get it done right.

Let AA Construction take care of your repairs, custom additions, and much more!

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Simple and Clean

Our work speaks for itself. AA Construction does things the right way, the first time, in the most effecient manner possible.

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Custom Jobs

There is no one size fits all when it comes to your home. Let us evaluate your needs and budget to assess the best solution for your project.

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Easy Access

Our desire is for you to be able to contact us with your needs with ease. We have a variety of ways you can get ahold of us!






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Samples of Our Work


Pricing will vary, depending
on the job type and scope.

Per Hour

Perfect for small projects

  • Flexible Schedule
  • Onsite support limited to scheduling
  • Project satisfaction, guaraunteed!


Per Week

Perfect for medium sized projects

  • Schedule 1 Month Prior
  • Full onsite support
  • Guaraunteed 8-10 hours a day of work
  • Project satisfaction, guaraunteed!

$4000 Baseline

Per Project

Perfect for large scale projects

  • Schedule 3 Months Prior
  • Full onsite support
  • Project satisfaction, guaraunteed!

$4000 Baseline Per Week